Technology to Enhance Learning into the 21st Century

At Muriel Martin, we realize that the 21st century is increasingly complex, global and networked. The implementation and integration of digital technology into the classroom environment are essential to address the needs of the 21st century. Digital technology integration enhances students' ability to thrive and think critically in an information-rich world.
Digital technology is an essential part of how we communicate and enhance lessons to support learning. All students have their own Google accounts - allowing them access to email, Google Docs, Google Classroom and various other cloud computing tools. These tools give students an opportunity to collaborate, problem solve and apply critical thinking skills as they access and manage information.
Students have access to a mobile iPad cart, seven mobile chrome book carts, Kindergarten iPad carts, whole-school wireless, a library research centre, and more. Additionally, all classrooms at Muriel Martin are outfitted with interactive whiteboards, document cameras, projectors, and sound systems.
Our MMTV (Muriel Martin Television) station broadcasts morning announcements live on YouTube and parents, like students, can view these broadcasts anywhere. With MMTV, students are heavily involved in all aspects of the production from script writing, anchor, live videographer and more. When you enter the school, a large foyer monitor greets you, displaying photos of students in action throughout a typical day and within the last month.
We invite you to come take a look at how Muriel Martin Elementary School is leading the way forward through the use of digital technologies into the 21st century!